


Fueled by passion. And espresso.

As the daughter of a graphic and web designer, the office always seemed to be where my father and I gathered to learn about his latest project or design. This was the room of the house that gave me the most comfort, the most joy and, frankly, the most entertainment. So captivated as a little girl watching my father create new designs from scratch on his wired drawing pad back in 1999 while swearing up a storm with the dial-up… I loved every minute of it. So, what happened next? Easy guess, I followed in his footsteps and built a career around design, marketing, and communications. As I knock back my double espresso shot and begin to get lost in my work, I remember the guidance and advice he gave when teaching the creative, yet structured design process.


And in that design process came questions to consider when crafting any piece - what are the brand values, what is the underlying purpose or vision of the brand, and what are the differentiating values around that? Consider your brand a combination of a big idea (or problem to solve) mixed with your personality and values. Shake in some keywords, like hot sauce, paired with your story, and you’ve baked up the perfect pie of your brand identity. So, ask yourself. Do you have a well-defined brand?

First Impression

Now that you’re ready to display your verbal and visual brand... This next step is vital and impacts the buying decision of customers as “first impressions are 94% design-related” and “slow-loading websites cost retailers $2.6 billion in lost sales each year.” Your website, social presence, and brand identity are essential in today’s tech-savvy, emotion-driven, and data-analyzed world wide web. “75% of consumers admit to making judgements on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design.” Connecting all the complexities can be challenging to navigate - making it difficult to stay up-to-date with the evolving online marketplace, ultimately costing cost you potential customers and sales.

Taylor Dery | Owner & Designer | CONNECTAIRE

Taylor Dery | Owner & Designer | CONNECTAIRE


So, what does this all mean? Your website is the central hub and judgement carrying the weight of how users perceive the company as a whole. A bad website, or a badly-coded site, can tarnish a company’s credibility - but a quality, well-designed, responsive website can help extend the company’s reach, influence and create leads. Website first impressions matter. Make them count.

Consistency is key in reaching today’s audience. People want to know that they can trust you as a source of information, services, or products. Let us craft a plan around you, your goals, audience, and budget. Tell us what you have to work with and we’ll work with you - providing a scope of services as you grow. We love to help individuals and business succeed. We’re ready & excited to help you too.